Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Heart Broken

Whats the point in writing I just broke up with my boyfriend =( :(

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is for all the girls who have boy trouble out there. OK so what do you do if you meet a guy and you talk for maybe 20 min. and you like him in an instant. He's your exact match and he's really funny and gets all your weird sarcasm. So y'all are thinking hey girl go for it he seems great. Oh but heres the catch you have a boyfriend. Yep readers you heard it . You've only known this guy for 20 min and you've known your BF since you were two and you wanna throw it all away for this guy you don't even know. Then again you've been noticing your BF has been really distant lately what do you do??????? This whole thing is tearing you apart and you don't know what to think anymore. You wish you could sort this whole thing out but none of it is understandable. It feels like aliens have just landed and sucked all the understanding out of you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Pain =;(

Guess what readers my parents are taking me to Florida to look at houses, schools, and pools oh my. They really want to kill me I can't concentrate on anything because of this stupid move. Why can't my parents just call the whole thing off. I'm putting up this big girl act just for them but sometimes I'm ignoring them for a good reason. Every time I look at them I feel so much pain I can't think! I don't sleep at night anymore because It's on my mind so much I'm really close to flunking two of my classes I had an F in one but i got it to a high D and now its close to a C but I can't think.I'm starting to fall asleep in class because I'm so tired. I'm not really eating much as I used to and when there watching me I'm normal so they don't see my pain if any one can help me get throw this pain tell me plzzzzzzzz =;(.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sweet Bliss or A Horible Death????

Do u ever have that feeling where your like ug oh why bother my lifes over anyway. Well I have that feeling every day and I'm really sick of it. Oh ya my parents say that were moving oh goody. Why not put another lode on my head to add to all my girl problems. I have way to much stuff going on in my life already and now this pops up yep yep yep they really want to kill me don't they. Things with my boyfriend are AWESOME and now I have to MOVE to freaking FLORIDA thats just great. My sicotic dad was like its ok we can fly your friends down here to visit. Oh ya dad thats a perfect idea because all parents are ok with that. Now readers tell me something would your parents be so kind and let there chide fly down to Florida by themselves ya thats what I thought!!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG work work work is all I hear now and days. It makes me sick my teachers are out to get me and I'm sick sick sick of it. Now the one weekend I have papers due. I decide not to got to a family party and WORK instead. Then I get yelled at by my parents that i should have gone to the party and bla bla bla. Well gess what mom and dad I'm so so so so so sorry that I had a paper due and a projct and I didn't want to got to Eve's party well my bad. Remember everyone its always always my foult for everything