Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm so horible

I am the worst girlfriend of the history of girlfriends!!!!! I can't belive I forgot my boyfriends B-day
i mean what kind of girlfriend forgets those kinds of things. I'm pulling my hair out No wonder he hasn't called me I'm a horible horible person and a lousy excuse of a girlfriend. I wouldn't talk to me ether. I hope that anyone in a relation ship will at least remember there sweet hearts B-days and remember what insanity I'm going throw.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I love Shopping I mean when you know that you've earned that money or hey when you get it from your parents. Then there's always the little 'hey mom can I borrow 10 bucks' and then you say 'hey dad can I have 10 bucks to go to the mall oh and maybe a 5 for lunch' ya those tricks always work for me. When you have the 10 from mom wait two days and then ask dad. Which happends to be on a weekend then start all over again but maybe swich up the excuses and your set.

Christmas Time

I just love Christmas time even when your lucky like me and get to have a fantastic white Christmas. It's so beautiful and calming just to sit and have a nice cup of hot chocalat. Oh an expessialy when i see peoples faces on Christmas eve and know how happy they are. It puts a warm feeling well thats all ways good if ya know what I mean.